My walk in life as an artist, wife, sister, daughter and follower of Christ.

Tag Archives: dream

This past week has been a rough one…

Many people think that being self employed means an easy life if you’re successful. However I am finding more and more that it makes life more complicated. Its good, yes, and I do enjoy it for the most part, but it also adds stress and takes time away from family. It gets harder to leave work since its out of my home. I can no longer sit down and relax without wondering if I should be working on something. Although, I have learned much, I have found that it makes me feel less guilty about taking a break if I have a weekly schedule. Days to work and days to not work, (unless its something that absolutely can not wait). Also its good to change things up, so that you’re not boring yourself with work that you’re supposed to be enjoying! I try to do something new and different everyday that I am painting. 

Furthermore, Yes its been a rough week, however God is continually teaching me new things in this experience. He has shown me this week that no matter what He will take care of me in my greatest needs. He knew I would not survive in my previous job (Genius phone repair technician) and He blessed me with being able to use my talents He gave me! Everytime I start to wonder where my next check is going to come from, He provides! Even in the midst of trying to get a house He proves He is there and gives us support from family and friends. How do we ever doubt Him? 

God Is so good! I know I don’t deserve Him, yet He loves me still. There are many things that I have prayed about in the past, and as long as I am trusting Him, in one way or another He always come through. God takes care of His children in the way He sees fit and His way is so much better!


Thank you Lord for being mine and never failing me. You listen when no one else understands, you hold me when no one is there, you give me peace in chaos. I only pray that I will continually follow You and that You take my heart and make me more like You everyday. 

Weeping Willow Dream

Well I’m back, I have been re inspired after selling my first painting on etsy!! I am going to try something new this year and paint or draw something once a week…well see how that goes in the midst of me and my husband buying a house in the next few months.

Anyways about this painting, it is now up for sale on my etsy site –

Also, yes it was inspired by my drawing of the weeping willow. I love how it turned out, to me it looks like a dream… where colors are vibrant and nothing modern is interrupting the sound of nature, with the willow leaves rustling in the breeze as sun peaks over and hits everything it touches with warmth.
Ive always been a dreamer when it comes to these type of things, maybe its the artist in me, or maybe its what makes me an artist. Or here is another thought, maybe its the part in me that yearns for the beauty of this world that was meant to be… My spirit that yearns for God’s amazingness.

Today I start painting class 2 with the start of a new semester at college. Im excited to be making time for more art and see what new things I will learn.

Its been an exciting past week with the newspaper article and along with everything that comes with it. I got many compliments and praises, and I appreciated every single one of them.

However, it felt weird to me, almost like I didn’t deserve the praise. Maybe I dont think I do. Many may disagree with me, but I cant call myself a professional painter, maybe I never will. The reason for this is, I will always have room for learning, theres always something new to try, or something that needs to be practiced more. Maybe its the thought that there are better painters then me, I am not sure. But one thing i do know is, that absolute perfection is impossible, but its something we can strive for and that every art experience brings an artist closer.

Though I may not be happy with some of my my art pieces, I am still proud of all that i was able to accomplish. I did not do it on my own though, my Amazing God has helped me through every step of the way and I am so thankful for everything He has given me. I would not have gotten even close to living this dream of mine without Him! Im so thankful he has given me a passion for art and that with it I can make someones day brighter. Thats what makes art worth every effort.

Mural put into Daily News paper!!!!

Today my mural was put into the local paper! How exciting!! 🙂 Never dreamed that my love for art would bring me this far….wow

I finally finished my first mural! Turned out great! Especially when you consider I only used materials i had 🙂


Also, I am Officially married as of October 27th. Marriage is great I am so blessed to have my guy Jake forever and always. God Matched us perfectly.


Our Honeymoon turned out great too! we stayed in Cheboygan and went to Mackinaw city! 🙂


But the best news of all Is after I finished my mural someone saw a pic of it and has hired me to paint in a school! so excited to have my dream job coming true, along with marrying the love of my life! God is so amazing! 🙂

P.s. Dont worry I will keep an update on the new mural!

ImageToday it is very hard for artists to make a living from their art. There are many things that go against them. However, these are things that really cannot be helped but need to be fought against. Artist need to realize that no matter how many negatives point toward being successful it doesn’t mean that it is impossible. There are still ways to become successful today. Artists are still wanted and needed today.

One of the largest negative for artists is the economy. Nobody wants to buy art when their low on cash. This is very true, I realize that it is hard for artist to break through and actually make something that has worth. Much of the art that is worth something today is actually old art that has become a relic or antique. However, there is still a huge want for modern art too. People always want to have something different and new. People want to have something that expresses them today, art that speaks to them through the culture we have today.

Additionally, because of the economy many do not want to pay for an unknown artist. Many want art that has a name and can brag about having their own “Vincent Van Gogh”. But what happens when people want a mural on their wall? They can’t exactly have Van Gogh come over for a few days. They need professional artists that know what their doing; artists that have talent NOW. Artists that can make what they want, not necessarily something that has already been done either. Many want artists that can add their own unique touch to it.


Finally, the point is; no matter how bad the economy is, no matter how many people cant really afford expensive art. There will always be a want and need for artists today. With new artists we add our own uniqueness to this generation now. This generation and the next ones to come will always want something new, unique and different. We always have need and want for talented artists.