My walk in life as an artist, wife, sister, daughter and follower of Christ.

Tag Archives: green

Weeping Willow Dream

Well I’m back, I have been re inspired after selling my first painting on etsy!! I am going to try something new this year and paint or draw something once a week…well see how that goes in the midst of me and my husband buying a house in the next few months.

Anyways about this painting, it is now up for sale on my etsy site –

Also, yes it was inspired by my drawing of the weeping willow. I love how it turned out, to me it looks like a dream… where colors are vibrant and nothing modern is interrupting the sound of nature, with the willow leaves rustling in the breeze as sun peaks over and hits everything it touches with warmth.
Ive always been a dreamer when it comes to these type of things, maybe its the artist in me, or maybe its what makes me an artist. Or here is another thought, maybe its the part in me that yearns for the beauty of this world that was meant to be… My spirit that yearns for God’s amazingness.

Getting started on my murals is the hardest thing… I keep thinking what if I get started and then I am unable to finish? Or what if it looks completely awful when it is finished?  And then my financial situation doesn’t help, I keep telling myself “my next paycheck I’ll go buy all the paint for it”, but of course something else comes up more important, like bills and wedding accessories. 

Finally, though I put my foot down cleared my day and put my skills to practice!!! Its small about a 18×12, but it put my thoughts to ease that I can do this. I just need to make some time for myself and put some money aside! 


This was my first forest painting, so overall I was very excited with the results 🙂