My walk in life as an artist, wife, sister, daughter and follower of Christ.

Tag Archives: time

Today I start painting class 2 with the start of a new semester at college. Im excited to be making time for more art and see what new things I will learn.

Its been an exciting past week with the newspaper article and along with everything that comes with it. I got many compliments and praises, and I appreciated every single one of them.

However, it felt weird to me, almost like I didn’t deserve the praise. Maybe I dont think I do. Many may disagree with me, but I cant call myself a professional painter, maybe I never will. The reason for this is, I will always have room for learning, theres always something new to try, or something that needs to be practiced more. Maybe its the thought that there are better painters then me, I am not sure. But one thing i do know is, that absolute perfection is impossible, but its something we can strive for and that every art experience brings an artist closer.

Though I may not be happy with some of my my art pieces, I am still proud of all that i was able to accomplish. I did not do it on my own though, my Amazing God has helped me through every step of the way and I am so thankful for everything He has given me. I would not have gotten even close to living this dream of mine without Him! Im so thankful he has given me a passion for art and that with it I can make someones day brighter. Thats what makes art worth every effort.

Art Means so much to me, to many it may seem just something to pass time, or to “express” your self, But to me it is a way to catch a glimpse of the beautiful world we live in. I know we can do this through pictures, but i dont think pictures can always catch what you see.

The past couple of months i have had fun trying different new things.

This is Water Ripples. my first attempt 😉


This a Rose with a reflection. my second ..or maybe third …attempt, you have no idea how long this took me.Image

And this is the past weeks progress on my mural! i finally got the lake, Sky and mountains!


And these are the Pillars I Painted the other day! now i just need some vines and it will be finished!
